A short explanation of the correlation between smo and the classifiche of google

Medium Social Marketing in 2011 Or Bing and Google have added some new functionalities of social medium marketing during the last few years and c' it has been some argument on which of this social it marks them to contribute to the turned out search classifiche. In quality of society of social marketing of the average, ours to take here. Google is effectively using marks them social in order to determine the classifiche of the search result? A po ' , they have admitted. And ' true that to second Twitter stature of an individual, the pages come influenced in it classifies web. With the exception of search normal web, in which Google it uses more beyond 200 various types of " segnali" in order to determine like classifying the pages in way adapted in answer to a search on the Web, he is still clearly which marks them social have been included in the mix. Google has developed a way in order to determine if a person is a ' " autorità" or of consolidated account on Twitter, and to visualize the result all' inside of functions of social search, therefore, because social medium marketing is an important leaves of any strategy of Internet marketing. Medium Social Marketing in 2011: One of the more interesting discoveries from factors on the search engines in 2011 has been the strong correlation between Position of search of Google and shares Facebook. In effects, the actions of Facebook have been the highest single correlated factor positioning of the result of search in more of the 100 examined factors. social Factors Medium and search engines: The correlation between SMO and Google judgment * and as they play in the strategy of social medium marketing: Number of actions of Facebook has been single the higher metric correlation with high classifies of Google. Then it has been the sum of the actions of Facebook, it appeals to it, and comments. The third factor has been the number of C-Blocks connection to the page. The 4 ° it was the number of appeals to Facebook. The 5 were the number of tweet to that URL. 6 are the number of parts of Google Buzz. It is becoming clearly that Facebook given comes used from Google, Google has revealed in the December of 2010 has revealed that they have used social mass media, marks them of positioning in the turned out search engines. The customers also have begun to see the result of the average and Facebook social to share the information all' inside of result of the search engines, therefore is clearly that Google has approached the data of Facebook. Google Other factors for the determination Importance: Marks : Contained associates famous, or marks of quality. Links: fortemente shared pages on Facebook they stretch to being fortemente connected. Contained: factors like the time passed on a page, frequency of bounce, etc… are factors that Google uses in order to determine the content. The customers stretch to share the pages that they find interesting and of quality. He marks them Medium Social: Others mark them of social medium are Tweet, Google Buzz, and Facebook. All the factors of which over it can be used from Google in order to determine the importance and the correlation with actions of Facebook. Even if you are not receiving actions on Google, they are not stopped to generate brand engagement and participating to conversations. To earn parts probably not to increase your position of Google directly (even if can indirectly favor the connections, yours tweet, or others mark them of Google are based on determining classify). Medium Social Marketing: You want more appeals to than Facebook? Here a enough simple strategy: coupon Offer, homages, or a promotion. The number one of the reasons a customer of Facebook will join, " fan" , or to share a page is a reduction in price. To include this in your plan of social marketing of the average. To resolve the problems. You will have ago appeals to save time or public money. To create resources. You share white paper, e-book, or other searches in order to concur with the customers to take decisions more aware. A good addition to any social means of marketing plan. Entertain. If to entertain the public, they will be more inclined to remain and to share your contents.


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