Increasing number of people around the world who joined the Facebook, the Facebook tool makes a very interesting business. In Facebook you can advertise with a specific target market, and launched various marketing utilizing social movement actions, a feature found only on the networking site has five sosial.Facebook integrated service offerings for those of you who are serious about doing business on Facebook that is:
1.Facebook Ads, ad placement services that integrate with generally Facebook.Pada interface, it placed ads on the right of the interface is Facebook. paid service.
2.Facebook Insight, an integrated statistical service to be shared with Facebook ads and Facebook page.
Polls 3.Facebook, integrated survey services that stand alone, not associated with Facebook ads and Facebook page
4. Facebook page, product page creation services, public figures or celebrities on Facebook are using (almost) all the features available on Facebook
5 Facebook Platform also known as the Facebook app is Facebook services for programmers to create applications that can run and use the Facebook ecosystem that is directed specifically for the programmer features
Facebook Ads
Making Facebook tersegmen ad space is very interesting as an example, you can easily create a specific ad shown lessons. using payment option Pay for ads based on click or pay for view, Facebook opened a great opportunity to market the best products from independent entrepreneurs, business small and can be done medium. payment ads with a credit card