Social & Politics

Social policy - it is the priorities and principles for the development of social sphere, mounted through a tripartite agreement between government, business, community organizations and professional groups.

In the present study, the term "social policy" often refers to the theme of socially responsible business.

Social responsibility of business - is a voluntary contribution of business to society in social, economic and environmental spheres, connected directly to the company's core operations, and beyond the statutorily prescribed minimum.

Socially responsible company - a company operating on the principles of social responsibility and carrying out a set of social programs in the priority areas for her. Today the company, the leading social programs in some areas and violate the law or civil law in the other, are ineffective social policy, because those programs that they conduct are aimed at the company's image, but can not save their reputation. The fact that the reputation and image - it distinct concepts: the reputation reflects the public's trust in the company (and therefore reputation either there or it is not). And the image of a carrier image, which can be either positive or negative, he formed the company.

Therefore, if social policy is aimed at the company's image, it does not mean that at the same time is the creation or maintenance of the company's reputation.

It is important to understand that social responsibility can not be declared if the company is responsible in one area and irresponsible to the other. Corporate Social Responsibility involves a complex responsibility, and not in separate directions.

There are corporate and external social policy business.

Intracorporate social policies of large and medium businesses have the answer to the needs of the company. Moreover, these internal driving force, are a complex fusion of the expectations of employees, the prevailing traditions and their willingness to defend its interests within the company.

Internal social policies of companies regarded their supervision as an important tool to build a competitive advantage in the market struggle. This is naturally reflected in its scale, which is higher the larger the company, with one hand. On the other, - in many respects the behavior of the company determines the position of the owner and pragmatic reasons, because sometimes the collective social investments in staff are more profitable than the practice of raising wages.

The scale and nature of intra-social policy is determined by several factors, such as:

• scale of business;

• the profitability of the enterprise and conjuncture of the market;

• The level of competition in the labor market, the need for retention and staff development;

• the need for business development;

• adherence to traditions;

• the economic profitability of the maintenance and development of social infrastructure, especially if its further commercialization;

• image politics;

• individual values of top managers and owners;

• pressure from the employees of the corporation.

External social policies of companies, in contrast to intra is under a somewhat different range of incentives:

• Striving to reduce social tensions;

• response to the expectations of society - "noblesse oblige";

• illegitimacy of privatization;

• establish a positive image;

• political participation;

• Pressure the authorities and parties;

• «factor Rossel;

• adherence to international models;

• the practice of "kickbacks".

Conducting business outside of social policy in the territory of its activity is determined by the influence of a complex set of political, economic and sociocultural factors. In this field of business is largely dependent on government than with the implementation of intra-social policy. Many external social projects it carries out for their own protection from the government of the impoverished population, who do not like the high incomes of those who work in the company. In this case, the business operates under great external pressure, although the incentives associated with the economic interests of obtaining tangible benefits, are also present.

Overall, however, businesses often can not see their interests in long-term social projects, although some large companies have realized the advantage of social policy and begin to seek forms of long-term partnership in its implementation. But this process is still slow and difficult.


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