
The causes of labor onset is not known with certainty. Many factors play a part and work together so that the birth occurred. Several theories are proposed as the cause of birth is:

1. Decreased levels of progesterone. Progesterone cause relaxation of the muscles of the uterus, instead raising estrangement estrogen uterine muscle. During pregnancy there is a balance between progesterone and estrogen levels in the blood but at the end of pregnancy progesterone levels decrease causing his

2. Theory of oxytocin. At the end of pregnancy increased levels of oxytocin therefore arises muscle contractions of the uterus

3. Muscle tension. As with the bladder and stomach, when the walls ajar because it

4. Influence the fetus / fetal cortisol. Hypofise and fetal suprarenal glands apparently also plays a role, therefore the pregnancy anenchepalus often longer than usual.
5. Theory of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins produced unexpectedly become one of the causes of early labor. Results from experiments show that the prostaglandin F2 or E2 is administered intravenously, intra-and extra amnial cause contractions in the myometrium every age pregnancy. This is also supported by the high levels of both prostaglandins in amniotic fluid and peripheral blood of pregnant mothers before birth or during labor.

When IV is happening since the placenta was born 1-2 hours later, these things to note is the contraction continues until u u keep coming back to form normal.Hal it can be done by tactile stimulation (massage) to stimulate the good u continue to contract and strong need to also note that the placenta had been born full and there is nothing left at all in the continued well u really are not guaranteed continued bleeding.


Fais Wahid said...

wow postngan bahasa inggris nih..
padahal aku ga' paham bahasa inggris

zidan said...

goood2 ok3

Bisnis said...

thanks kunjungannya mampir lagi sekalian tukaran link and follow yuk

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