Long tail words seo key a more intelligent way in order to obtain the traffic important

Also after many years of SEO and remarkable appraisal that l' industry has seen SEO, sees still two expert SEO and customers fretting and waste of huge resources, concentrating themselves exclusively on more important words key. The main point that the words long key that are 1, 2 or also 3 words to make to carry a bag of traffic is not a controversy issue. The problem greater verification when a single society of SEO supporters going after these words key when he is much obvious one that this word key cannot be the better choice. Such word key will be sure many competitive with many sites great and little ones, and established new in lists for this. If the site is new then if it wants for a first place for words key as then you are in long range. If your budget, SEO or campaign of marketing turn them or a product is not exceptional, therefore the probabilities to catch up it in little months are nearly impossible. customers Many times have become guilty of this error. They make classifies in top 10 for their word main key a prestige issue. In such case, they practically it they force SEO Company to concentrate exclusively on these words key. In these cases SEO Society it has in order to yield to the demands for the customer in order to obtain job. If us thoughts because an adviser SEO to refuse such demand even if has specified the insidie in such approach? SEO for the words key short tail can mean more budget and contract in the long term! C' it is an other angle of this problem. Even if a site ranks for word key short tail can does not benefit a lot in terms of lead. The site can assist to high traffic, but it is important that the traffic? We suppose of chosen possession the word main key like ' Master'. Google gives nearly 250.000.000 result with little pages before dominated from authority sites. Even if your site for a school in India in classifies top 10, the coming traffic from others leaves of the world the majority of which it is not desired to obtain their degree of India. In these cases the elevated positioning more is translate up to door. L' investment in time and money will not be proporziona them to the door who obtain themselves. Yes, great ego for you will be a push but! algorithms of the search engines have become more intelligent. They analyze through billions of pages web and collect given. Then to make a po ' of elaboration given and to seriously take in consideration for the words key, their density, their position and importance to the page web and site web between the other factors. After this to classify the pages web for words key based on their algorithms. For a page web with a long word key term, means that it is much more important for that word key detail. Words long key tail are generally questions many detailed lists. This means that the customers will find your more useful and pertinenti page web. We take our example MBA po ' beyond. ' Course MBA' it is a word key short tail and has 48.200.000 result that, although substantially less ' MBA' he is still competitive and not too much large in terms of audience important. We go to dig in depth. ' Course MBA in India' it has much more sense, because the word key is enough important and at the same time, not competitive, than with a solo 14.800.000 result. If l' customer is trying to then find information on a detail marketing flow which ' of run marketing MBA in India' he will carry more very public aimed.


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