Fragmentation is a combination of the forms of service. Physiotherapy service is an integral part of health services performed by a physiotherapist / physiotherapy services are developed on various issues. Forms of physiotherapy services or fragmentation of services includes:
1. Fragmentation Women's Health Physiotherapy
2. Fragmentation Physiotherapy Growth
3. Fragmentation Physiotherapy Occupational Health and Safety
4. Fragmentation Elderly Physiotherapy
5. Fragmentation Sports Physiotherapy
6. Fragmentation of Public Health Physiotherapy
7. Fragmentation Physiotherapy Medical Services (Heri Priatna. 2005: 1)
Description of form physiotherapy services performed from each fragmentation according to the problem is:
1. Fragmentation Women's Health Physiotherapy
Problems related to physiotherapy in this case include:
• Reproductive Health Problems of female fertility disorders.
• Problem Pregnancy is associated with interference with the respiratory system, blood circulation dysfunction legs and waist motion, due to physical changes such as weakness of the muscles of the abdomen, pelvis and attitudes.
• Birth Process Problems in labor that is less good / pathological to maternal and infant mortality / birth defects, it can be prevented by physiotherapy in the form of prenatal exercises.
• Problems of Post-Birth of the occurrence of pelvic muscle weakness, abdominal and also frequently in the joints Sacro terjadicidera illiaca.
2. Fragmentation Physiotherapy Growth
The problem faced in the growth and development include: the development and growth of infants, congenital abnormalities to infants and toddlers disability, infectious diseases and the health of infants and toddlers in general.
3. Fragmentation Physiotherapy Occupational Health and Safety
Factor affecting human productivity, among others: the workplace environment, workplace health, occupation / work load, physical health, mental, work experience, education and work skills that affect physical abilities.
4. Fragmentation Elderly Physiotherapy
Demographic transition may lead to the increasing tendency of the elderly. This is due to a problem / problematic faced by the addition of age and the aging process, so that individuals experienced a decrease of motion activity such as skills, endurance, strength, agility, flexibility and others.
5. Fragmentation Sports Physiotherapy
Sports is one aspect of life that are closely related to physical health, both individually and society. The development marked by the emergence of many sports clubs including fitness center but has not been matched by the optimal technologies, sehinnga problem / problematic function of motion due to exercise are common.
6. Fragmentation of Public Health Physiotherapy
expected to call a professional in the field of sports to participate in professional take part in sports health, so that problems will occur in the society especially in health can be overcome with promotive and preventive efforts. Promotive. Is to promote health and well-being for individuals and the general public.
Preventif.adalah prevention against interference, functional limitation, the inability of individuals that have the potential for movement and impaired body function due to health factors / socio-economic and lifestyle.
7. Fragmentation Physiotherapy Medical Services
Service is being undertaken to accelerate the healing process, minimize disruption, limitations and inability to function due to disorder in the system and subsystem of the human body / effect yamg environmental factors affect human body systems.
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